Algar Telecom

Main Indicators

Operational Indicators ('000) 2010 2011 2012 2012/2011
Lines in service 799 924 1,070 15.8%
Authorization area 164 231 310 33.9%
Concession area 635 693 760 9.7%
Total 277 332 420 26.3%
ADSL 239 276 326 18.4%
Mobile (3G) 38 56 93 65.0%
Total number of clients 579 612 674 10.2%
Postpaid 183 205 211 2.7%
Prepaid 396 406 463 13.9%
Total 79 94 113 20.2%

Financial Indicators (R$ million) 2010 2011 2012 2012/2011
Gross Revenues 1,945 2,157 2,339 8.4%
Net Revenues 1,511 1,682 1,812 7.7%
EBITDA 409 411 452 10,0%
EBITDA Margin 27.1% 24.4% 25.0% 0.6 p.p.
Net Income 133 144 141 -2,1%
Net Margin 8.7% 8.6% 7.8% -0.8 p.p.
Capex 237 372 351 -5.6%
Gross Debt 667 815 925 13.5%
Net Debt 477 637 739 16.0%
Net Debt/EBITDA (x) 1.2 1.5 1.6 8.9%

Corporate Indicators 2010 2011 2012 2012/2011
Associates 13,935 15,078 14,351 -4.8%
Men 5,422 6,256 6,269 0.2%
Women 8,513 8,822 8,082 -8.4%
Investment (R$ thousands) 10,631 12,207 12,780 4.7%
Number of training hours 179,594 429,609 352,568 -17.9%
Investment per associate (R$) 736 811 891 9.9%
Greenhouse gases emission (ton.)
Direct Emissions 2,339 1,309 3,660 179.6%
Indirect Emissions 1,569 1,572 2,153 37.0%

For a more readily overview of the sustainability indicators, please refer to the GRI reference table of contents.